The Power of Storytelling in Learning a New Language

Those who tell stories rule the world! From short stories to a series of books, stories can act as an escape as they bring the reader to distant and magical lands filled with mystical creatures from dragons, satyrs and dwarves.
Repetition and Rhythm
Did you know that stories are an effective way to help you improve on your English? First, you get to practise your reading as you recognise words you’ve learnt and understand how they are used as they are put into the context of the story; you might just pick up a few new words in the process.
It will also improve your writing through the words you’ve added to your expanding vocabulary chest and your understanding of how certain words can be used in writing.
It may sound a odd that stories help improve your listening and speaking as well but it’s true, you can improve on your listening and speaking through listening to audiobooks that are available; to hear how certain words are pronounced. Reading a story out loud helps you practise your speaking and you’d get to practice speaking more when you talk to your friends about the stories you’ve read.
How do you pick the right story to start with?
For beginners
Short stories are perfect for young children and those who have just started learning English, introducing them to new words and see how those words are used in the story. These stories are not only short but they are also easy to read and understand.
Some suggested titles you can look at are:
- “Little Red Riding Hood” (Easy)
Click here to read - “Paul Bunyan – An American Tall Tale” (Medium)
Click here to read - “The Boarded Window” (Advanced)
Click here to read
For intermediate readers
For intermediate readers that are looking to expand on your vocabulary and elevate the use of English to the next level, simple short stories may not do the job.
One way to help you ensure that the language is not too hard or too easy for you is to give the book a test run. A test run? How would you do that? By reading a few pages of the book, it will help you determine whether you’d like to give it a try or otherwise.
You’d might want to look at certain books such as J. K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter Series” and Suzanne Collins’ “The Hunger Games books”.
For advanced readers
Well, the sky is the limit for you if you’re an advanced reader. You may want to start giving books like J. R. R. Tolkien’s works on “Middle Earth”, H. P. Lovecraft’s books on the “Cthulhu Mythos” a look, to understand how English can be used in different ways to tell a story.
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”
- Joseph Addison
Expand your vocabulary, feed your imagination, and give your mind the exercise it needs, pick up a book today, your English adventure awaits.
We offer opportunities for everyone to learn English at any age, level or need at Language Labz. Whether it’s for group lessons or private lessons, come and visit us at LS Square 李三天地生活广场 (7 Lorong Rahang 1, Off Jalan Rahang, 70100 Seremban) or give us a call at 011 6174 8246.

你是否知道“故事”可以有效提升你的英语水平?首先,你可以从阅读中得到实践的机会, 通过阅读能够让你学习到新的单词,并且了解到该单词如何运用在特定的情境当中。阅读可以扩大你的词汇量,让你理解该单词如何得以运用在写作当中, 从而提升你的写作能力。
“故事”还可以帮助加强你的听说能力,这虽然听起来有些奇怪,但确实如此, 你可以通过收听有声读物学习某些单词的发音,以改善你英语的听说能力。不仅如此,大声朗读也能够帮助你练习口语,当你与朋友谈论你读过的故事内容时,你可以从中得到更多的机会进行口语练习。
短篇故事适合幼儿和刚刚开始学习英语的人,这可以让他们认识到新的单词并了解到该单词的用法。 短篇故事不仅简短而且易于阅读与理解。
- “Little Red Riding Hood” (Easy) (初级)
Click here to read (点击阅读) - “Paul Bunyan – An American Tall Tale” (Medium) (中级)
Click here to read (点击阅读) - “The Boarded Window” (Advanced) (高级)
Click here to read (点击阅读)
想要确保书籍的语文水平不会太难或太简单,你可以试读该书籍。 中级读者可以先翻阅几页书本内容,目录等。这可让你确定该书籍是否适合你。
来自J. K. Rowling的《哈利·波特》系列 (Harry Potter Series) 和 Suzanne Collins的《饥饿游戏》 (The Hunger Games books) 都是适合中级读者的读物。
那,如果你是高级读者,那么天空就是你的极限。你可能想阅读像J. R. R. Tolkien的作品 《中土世界》(Middle Earth) 或H. P. Lovecraft的《克苏鲁神话》(Cthulhu Mythos)之类的书,这会让你发现英语如何以不同的方式使用来讲述故事。
「 閱讀之於心靈,猶如運動之於身體。」
— 約瑟夫‧艾迪生
Language Labz提供任何年龄,水平和需要加强英文的人学习英文的机会。我们有拥有小组课程和个人课程。 想要了解更多详情可以联络011 61748246 或亲临我们的语言中心LS Square 李三天地生活广场 (7 Lorong Rahang 1, Off Jalan Rahang, 70100 Seremban) 。