Encouraging Your Child To Speak English

Encouraging your child to speak English
Some children find it hard to speak English because they’re either shy or worried they’ll make mistakes. That’s why teaching English to your kid(s) early on is a gift that will benefit them in the future. Here are some ways you can encourage them:
- Practise speaking in an informal setting
We often forget how we learnt our first language, which is often through informal conversation and not studying. Giving your children more opportunities to practise speaking English in an informal setting can help them to have real conversations in English and also help to build their confidence.
- Practise speaking a lot: don’t focus on grammar
Grammar can be quite confusing, even for native speakers at times but is best learnt through natural conversation so that your child develops a more intuitive understanding of the language. Make them learn grammar through natural conversations, rather than forcing them to memorise the rules of grammar.
- Don’t correct every mistake
Don’t stop your child from speaking if they make a mistake but instead remember it for later. It can be hard for them to build up fluency, as well as damaging their confidence. If your little one asks for help, offering alternative ways to express what they want to say does no harm because the knowledge and experience they get by communicating ideas in English is what will help them build confidence to speak English fluently.
- Look for opportunities to introduce new English words
It’s always good to be on the lookout for opportunities to introduce new English words to your child as you go about your daily life. For example, if you take your child to the park, you could point out interesting words for animals, trees and plants you see there.
Like “Look, what a beautiful flower we have here.”, this may lead them to ask you “What is a flower?”, giving you the perfect timing to introduce new English words like petals, leaves, stem.
- Children learn differently
“Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.” (Robert John Meehan)
Always remember every child learns differently, the most important thing you can do to help encourage them is to make sure you take your time and practise the areas that they are in need of fixing, whether it’s with listening, comprehension, grammar or even pronunciation.
At Language Labz we offer opportunities for everyone to learn English at any age, level or need. Whether it’s for group lessons or private lessons, come and visit us at LS Square 李三天地生活广场 (7 Lorong Rahang 1, Off Jalan Rahang, 70100 Seremban) or give us a call at 011 6174 8246.
- https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/how-to-speak-english-with-kids/
- https://www.spokenenglishpractice.com/7-things-help-children-speak-english-confidently-fluently/
- https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/parents-and-children/information-for-parents/tips-and-advice/how-to-encourage-children-who-are-not-confident-speaking-in-english/

- 在非正式的场合练习口语 我们经常忘记我们是如何通过非正式的交谈而不是正式学习来学习第一语言。给你的孩子更多的机会在非正式的环境中练习说英语,这不仅能帮助他们用英语进行真正的对话,并且能帮助他们建立自信。
- 多练习会话: 不用太关注于语法 语法有时会非常混乱,即使对于母语为英语的人来说也是如此,但最好通过自然的对话来学习语法,这样你的孩子就会对语言有更直观的理解。让他们通过自然的对话来学习语法,而不是强迫他们去记住语法规则。
- 不用纠正每一个错误 如果孩子犯了错误,不要立刻阻止他们说话,而是要记住他们的错误以后再纠正。对他们来说,在建立流利语言的同时,打击他们的自信心是很困难的。如果你的孩子寻求帮助,以其他的方式来表达他们想说的话,这并没有坏处,因为他们通过用英语交流思想而获得的知识和经验可以帮助他们建立流利说英语的信心。
- 寻找机会介绍新的英语单词 在你的日常生活中,找机会向你的孩子介绍新的英语单词是很好的。例如,如果你带孩子去公园,你可以为你看到的动物、树木和植物指出有趣的单词。 比如“看,我们这里有多漂亮的花啊。”,这可能会引导他们问你“什么是花?”,给你一个完美的机会介绍新的英语单词,如petals, leaves, stem.
- 每个孩子都是不同的
“每个孩子都有不同的学习方式和节奏。每个孩子都是独一无二的,不管是学习的能力,还是成功的能力。” – Robert John Meehan
永远记住,每个孩子的学习方式都不同,你能做的最重要的事情是在旁协助和鼓励他们,确保你花时间与他们练习需要改进的地方,无论是听力、理解、语法,甚至是发音。在Language Labz,我们为每个年龄,水平或需要的人提供学习英语的机会。无论是团体课或私人课程, 欢迎亲临我们在LS Square 李三天地生活广场 (7 Lorong Rahang 1, Off Jalan Rahang, 70100 Seremban)的语言中心,或致电011 6174 8246与我们联系。
- https://www.fluentu.com/blog/english/how-to-speak-english-with-kids/
- https://www.spokenenglishpractice.com/7-things-help-children-speak-english-confidently-fluently/
- https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/parents-and-children/information-for-parents/tips-and-advice/how-to-encourage-children-who-are-not-confident-speaking-in-english/